Ethan is somewhat struggling to adjust to this whole school issue, not because he misses Kailtyn so much as he wants to go to school too. Two days ago after we dropped Kaitlyn off he cried all the way home repeating over and over again. "Ethan school." I felt so bad that I tried to explain to him that he is too little. He asked why and I said you have to be 5 and he is just 2. Coincidentally as soon as he woke up from his nap I happened to ask him how old he is and of course he said 5. :) Oh well he has his own backpack but I don't know if that helps or makes it worse. As you can see he sleeps with it.
One of Kaitlyn's favorite parts of school is getting all dressed up and wearing new clothes and this day was no exception. Isn't she adorable, but what can I say I'm completly biased. :)
I love it! Isn't this fun! I just need to update mine. It's been almost a month since my last post! I can't wait to watch as your family grows! Love ya! Molly
Poor Ethan! I was really distressed when my big brother went to school without me. I needed a backpack too. The good things is, I wanted to be like him so much I colored every paper he brought home so when I went to kindergarten I was SO ready. The bad thing is, I was so ready I was bored, and therefore a bit of a problem child. You can't win.
Cute! I can't believe your little girl is old enough to go to school!
She always looks adorable!
I feel your pain. Zane asks me everyday if he can go to school. He does "homework" with Morgan every afternoon. It's just a coloring book but it makes him feel BIG.
I finally had some time to check out your blog!! So fun!! Your kids are so darn cute! Paige was very sad that she couldn't go to Kaitlyn's house this last week. She absolutely LOVES going there and playing dressup with Kaitlyn.
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